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Soulplace Film Festival


A festival to rediscover
an historic medieval village in Molise


Castiellë Soulplace Film Festival is an international competition with live screenings open to filmmakers from all over the world. It takes place in the small town of Castelpetroso (Molise, Italy) and its purpose is to help independent cinematography talents and filmmakers to improve their career.

We accept films of all genres and also shorts. Award-winning films will be screened in public before the award ceremony.


The medieval village was built around Norman times. Nothing remains of the old castle, except parts of shoal masonry around the medieval village. The parish church was that of San Martino, which underwent Baroque influences in the seventeenth century. The moments of aggregation in the various hamlets are many and preserve the spirit of the ancient local festivals, also of peasant heritage.
The event is patronaged by the Municipality of Castelpetroso.


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Years Running


Opening Date

Feb 19, 2024

Jan 14, 2025

Final Deadline

Notification Date

Jan 24, 2025

Feb 16, 2025

Event Date


Biblioteca Comunale di Castelpetroso
Via Fiume 110
Loc. Guasto
Castelpetroso, Molise 86096





Submit your project


Awards & Prizes

Rules & Terms

Best Narrative Feature
Best Documentary
Best Animation
Best Narrative Short
Best Director
Best Cinematography
Best Editing
Best Original Soundtrack
Best First Time Director
Best Screenplay
Best Actor
Best Actress
Special Jury Prize

Soulplace Film Festival is an international competition with live screenings open to filmmakers from all over the world and its purpose is to help independent cinematography talents and filmmakers to improve their career.

We want to support as many filmmakers as possible, all over the world, motivating them to always improve, always give their best and never stop dreaming.
The event involves not only filmmakers and the public, but also the whole territory as well.

We accept films of all genres and also shorts, in the form of narrative (fiction), documentary (non fiction) or animation.

Award-winning films will be screened in public before the award ceremony.
*All winners will receive an official laurel and a free ready for print certificate.

By submitting your film, you declare to know and accept that we can promote some of the films by uploading the trailers and/or teasers or posters and production stills and so you allow us to use them for free, for promotional purpose. However the films will never be available online.

Submission fees cover administration costs and therefore they are non-refundable. Multiple entries are allowed for each filmmaker and each entry may be entered in multiple categories.

We do not accept:
- poor standards or amateur movies (bad sound, lack of subtitles/captions for non-English films, video resolution less than 720p HD);
- movies involving politics or promoting political agenda;
- extremist or propaganda content movies, either religious or political organizations.



Best Narrative Feature, Sombras Chinas, Sebaztian Baz

Best Documentary, Tenochtitlan: ciudad viva, Luis Fernando Gallardo (ex aequo)

Best Documentary, The King and the Sun, Stanislav Terziev (ex aequo)

Best Animation, The kiss, Luis Fernando Gallardo

Best Narrative Short, 3.400KG, Atefeh Nafari

Best Director, La Balzana, Luca Marconato

Best Cinematography, Letter, Mr. Hassan Aslani

Best Editing, 'HOME', Mela Hilleard

Best Original Soundtrack, La Balzana, Luca Marconato

Best First Time Director, Let Them Be Naked, Jeff Garner

Best Screenplay, TO A LAND UNKNOWN, Mahdi Fleifel (ex aequo)

Best Screenplay, The Erasmus Generation, Vincent Imperato (ex aequo)

Best Music Video, La Piena, Lorenzo Gonnelli

Special Jury Prize, 47:10':00", Serna Amini


Best Narrative Feature,, Wolfpack,, Cédric Peyster – Le Roux

Best Documentary, The 4 kings, the sanctuary in Halmahera sea, Karlos Simon

Best Animation, The Muralz, Jeremy Lee

Best Narrative Short, Remains the wind, Rocco Sestito

Best Director, L'Anima Della Croce (Soul of the Cross), Skar Singh & Emma Mays

Best Cinematography, Stop at Ziccherville, Matteo Ballarati

Best Editing, Glimpse of My Soul, David Brower

Best Original Soundtrack, I Saw Myself Dead (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), Jordan Paul Rousseau

Best First Time Director, Sono Lino, Jacob Patrick

Best Screenplay, On the monster's trail (Sulle orme del mostro), Luca Giaggiolo

Best Actor, Rumi's Rumba, Greg Amici

Best Actress, Big Noise, Carlotta Parodi

Special Jury Prize, A Refugee's Guide to Rome, Ted Efremoff


Best Narrative Feature, DARKING WAY, Zsolt Pozsgai

Best Documentary, THE FLAME - The Art and the History of Lampworking, Emanuel Toffolo

Best Narrative Short, The Librarian, Serkan Aktaş

Best Director, Drinking a Dream, Mahmood Arib

Best Original Soundtrack, THE FLAME - The Art and the History of Lampworking, Emanuel Toffolo

Best First Time Director, Swallow, Hosein Torkjoosh

Best Screenplay, Bad Love Tigers, Kevin Schewe


Best Actor, sguips, sgnarf

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